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Polices and Procedures


以商业音乐为重点的音乐学士学位是124学分 hour baccalaureate degree designed for students who are preparing to make all or part 他们在音乐行业的生活. 作为音乐学士学位的课程 为所有合格的学生提供高水平的学术和音乐培训, divided into three distinct areas of study: 1) a broad-based education in music technique including theory, aural skills, history, keyboard skills and solo and ensemble performance; 2) training in the skills needed by those in the music industry, including music technology, arranging, conducting, songwriting, improvisation and live concert production; 3) training in music industry and entrepreneurship, including courses in music business, 商法、会计学、经济学和管理学.

Application and Admission 

以商业音乐为重点的音乐学士学位课程开放 by audition only. 这个项目的试镜过程略有不同 on whether or not a student is new to Snow College (an incoming freshman or transfer 学生)或继续学习两年制课程的学生. The different procedures 试镜名单如下. All students must audition on an instrument or voice to be considered for the program. 如果你想提交额外的材料来支持你的 application (especially in the areas of songwriting or music production) please follow the instructions below.

  • 所有学生必须先被网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行录取. This may be accomplished by 在线填写申请表.
  • 所有学生还必须申请进入音乐学士学位课程. 这可以通过在www上填写一份在线申请来完成
  • 所有学生必须用他们的主要乐器或声音进行试演. You may audition by:
  • 参加每年的奖学金试镜,通常在大学期间举行 middle of February OR
  • 与您所在地区的协调员预约面试:
    • 铜管及打击乐器区-博士. Christopher Nelson ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc
    • Jazz area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • Piano Area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • String area - Dr. Brent Smith ude.wons@htims.tnerb
    • Vocal area - Prof. Brian Stucki ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb
    • Woodwind area - Dr. Madeline Johnson ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam
  • 外州/国家学生的视频试镜可以通过联系 你所在地区的协调员(见上文);
  • An audition would typically consist of performance of a solo piece of sophomore-level difficulty. 试镜也可能包括演奏音阶、练习曲或视奏 skill evaluation.

Note: 如果你主要对歌曲创作/作曲的建议感兴趣 or Music Production please also include:

  • 一份打印的简历,概述你在你感兴趣的领域的经验和样本 of your work. 样本可能包括:录音(音频或视频),符号样本 (传统或引申表)的PDF格式,链接到在线样本等. These samples 应电邮至:
  • Songwriting/Composition - Dr. Trent Hanna ude.wons@annah.tnert
  • Music Production - Prof. Ben Harris ude.wons@sirrah.neb
  • 所有学生必须用他们的主要乐器或声音进行试演. You may audition by:

  • 填写你的陪审团表格,并勾选你希望 use your jury as an audition. 如果可能的话,使用这个过程. OR,
  • 与您所在地区的协调员预约面试:
    • 铜管及打击乐器区-博士. Christopher Nelson ude.wons@noslen.rehpotsirhc
    • Jazz area - Prof. Steven Erickson ude.wons@noskcire.nevets
    • Piano Area - Prof. Steven Ericson ude.wons@ffuh.leahcim
    • String area - Dr. Brent Smith ude.wons@htims.tnerb
    • Vocal area - Prof. Brian Stucki ude.wons@ikcuts.nairb
    • Woodwind area - Dr. Madeline Johnson ude.wons@nosnhoj.eniledam
  • An audition would typically consist of performance of a solo piece of sophomore-level difficulty. 试镜也可能包括演奏音阶、练习曲或视奏 skill evaluation.

Note: 如果你主要对歌曲创作/作曲的建议感兴趣 or Music Production please also include:

  • 一份打印的简历,概述你在你感兴趣的领域的经验和样本 of your work. 样本可能包括:录音(音频或视频),符号样本 (传统或引申表)的PDF格式,链接到在线样本等. These samples 应电邮至:
  • 歌曲创作/作曲-博士. Trent Hanna ude.wons@annah.tnert
  • Music Production – Prof. Ben Harris ude.wons@sirrah.neb

学院接受转学分的政策可在 雪学院学术目录-在线提供.


The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has instituted a policy of holding annual 特定学科的全州衔接会议. 指定一名代表 由各院校的民政事务处提供. 委员会讨论课程的衔接问题 for music majors between Utah institutions and reaches agreements about the conditions 据此,信用证将予以兑现. 委员会已商定下列方针 will be honored between USHE institutions, provided the student has earned at least a C in the course:

  • Music Theory I, II, III, & IV.
  • 视觉歌唱与听觉训练一、二、三、 & IV
  • Class Piano I, II, III, & IV
  • Beginning Conducting

Snow College requires an audition, music theory placement examination and piano proficiency 申请学位的申请人的入学考试. This audition and the placement exams will determine the student’s suitability for admittance into the 程序和提供音乐单位的信息,将决定适当的 安排学生在私人课程和音乐理论,和班钢琴.

对于USHE音乐专业委员会列表中未列出的音乐专业课程,或 从非ushe认可学校转学的所有音乐专业课程; course descriptions and syllabi will be evaluated to determine whether or not transfer 音乐课将获得学分. 决定调任的 学生可以重修在另一所院校完成的音乐专业课程 student has passed those courses as per the provisions of the college transfer policy 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行学术目录中列出,网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行将授予学生奖学金 这些课程的选修学分.


A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified 学生成绩证明不低于:

  1. 一个小时的课堂或直接教师指导和至少两个小时的 out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different time; or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as approved by Snow College including laboratory work, 实习,实习,工作室工作,和其他学术工作导致的奖励 credit hours.

  • 出席音乐会可获得0个学分. 学生必须参加10场音乐会 each semester. 这通常占学生时间的12-15个小时.
  • Music unit lecture classes use the same formula as the Snow College formula for lecture courses described above.
  • Music ensembles use the Snow College formula for laboratory courses described above.
  • Private lessons for music majors are awarded 1 credit for 1 hour per week of instruction. The amount of practice time expected of the student varies somewhat according to the private teacher.
  • 参加私人课程的非音乐专业学生每人接受半小时的指导 每周可获得1小时的学分. 对非专业人士没有陪审团要求.

Academic Policies

所有被录取进入音乐学士学位课程的学生都是 期望在毕业前取得足够的学业进步. This means:

  • A student with active status in the program must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours during a fall and spring semester of each academic year they are in the program. 此政策不适用于暑期项目或实习,可能会有所调整 (经系主任批准)以适应特殊情况;
  • 学生的累积GPA必须保持在2分.0或更高以保持活动状态 in the degree program. 如果累积GPA低于这个点,学生就会被淘汰 他们在项目中的地位,必须重新申请入学;
  • 获得音乐奖学金的学生必须保持累计GPA为2分.5 or higher in order to keep that scholarship (this is not the GPA requirement for academic waivers – please see academic advising for more information about academic scholarship requirements);
  • A student must receive a grade of “C-” or better for all lower division music coursework (courses with a 1000 or 2000 level number) for that credit to count towards graduation from the program;
  • A student must receive a grade of “C” or higher in all upper division coursework (courses with a 3000 or 4000 level number) in order for that credit to count towards graduation;
  • As per Snow College policy, a student may retake a course to receive a better grade, 但最后的成绩会反映在成绩单上;
  • 学生将在指导中心与音乐指导老师见面 with the music faculty member over their particular area (see list above) during the 每个新学期之前的注册期. 学生见面是很重要的 每个新学期注册前都要找一位指导老师.
  • 学生每学期必须注册一个专业合奏班 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的音乐专业.
  • A student must be enrolled in private lessons each semester they are enrolled at Snow College as a music major.

Juries and Recitals

独奏会-所有音乐专业的学生每学期都必须表演一次独奏会 of private instruction. 对于一年级和二年级的学生,独奏表演需要 参加本学期定期安排的地区独奏会. For 三年级和四年级学生的背诵要求更为重要.

高级独奏会/项目-攻读音乐学士学位的学生 必须完成一个高级独奏会或高级项目. 高级独奏会通常包括 一段40-45分钟的音乐展示了一定的表演水平,文学和音乐 synthesis of learned shills appropriate to a candidate for a Bachelor of Music degree. Senior recitals/projects replace both the jury and recital requirement for the student 在高年级独奏会/项目发生的那个学期. Students in the 器乐或声乐表演建议曲目必须执行高级独奏会 prior to graduation. 学习音乐技术或歌曲创作/作曲的学生 指导课程可以在第四年完成高级独奏会,也可以选择高级独奏会 高级项目,应该是类似的朗诵范围. In every case, both the senior recital and/or senior project will be proposed while the student is enrolled 高级顶点课程(MUSC 4901),并由三个教员批准,包括 the department chair. 提案表格可以在音乐系办公室拿到.

陪审团-所有音乐专业的学生都必须在全体教师之前组成陪审团 在每学期私修课程结束时. 陪审团有三个作用: 1)决定一个学生是否做好了进入下一阶段的准备 study, 2) to act as an assessment tool for the private applied lesson, and 3) to give 学生有机会从其他教师那里得到反馈 their private teacher. 评委会的评分占最终评分的20% instruction. 学生在任何时候都可能被拒绝升读下一门课程 由陪审团的决定决定. 如果发生这种情况,系主任将通知 学生和老师的书面形式. 学生将向私人医生咨询 教师和系主任决定是否继续该计划 warranted. 如果学生未能通过评审团或不建议进入 下一级连续两次将被取消学士学位 Music program.

Students must be enrolled in private applied lessons during the semester they complete their senior recital/project.

Leave Policies

Standard Leave of Absence - It may be necessary for a student to take a leave of absence 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行学习期间. 一般来说,如果休假是为了服兵役, 教会服务、人道主义工作、经济需要或其他类似原因 学生不需要重新申请该项目,也不会失去他们的地位 in their program. 一般来说,这些类型的假期也使学生有资格 如果资金充足,奖学金将在回国后颁发. In order to prepare for 休假:这种类型的休假:

  • Fill out a “Leave of Absence” form that can be provided to you by the department chair 或由行政助理;
  • 将表格交回系主任或行政助理处理;
  • A standard Leave of Absence will not exceed a period of more than two academic years. A leave that exceeds two academic years requires a student to reapply to the program.

Medical Leave of Absence – It may be necessary for a student to take a medical leave of absence from the program. 如果休假恰逢1-9周的学术课程 学期,学生可以简单地退学,并采取标准的缺课. If a student must take a medical withdrawal from class after the 10th week of the semester, 学生必须做到以下几点:

  • Meet with the department chair, music adviser and the ADA Coordinator to receive permission for the medical leave;
  • Provide written documentation from a health care provider detailing the medical issues and the need for the leave;

在因病请假而不得不完全退出课堂之后 在学期的第10周之后,学生必须重新申请该课程. In order to do this the student must:

  • 写一封申请复读的信. This letter should be 寄给音乐系系主任. 信中应详细说明辞职的原因 原始休假,并概述学生为改善健康所采取的步骤;
  • 提供书面医疗文件,说明医疗问题导致的需要 for the leave of absence has sufficiently improved such that, in the opinion of the 医学专业,有很大的可能性,学生可以返回 the program at full capacity and that it is unlikely that full participation in the 项目会导致复发或再伤;
  • 这些材料将由一个委员会审查,该委员会由:
  • The music department chair
  • The fine arts dean
  • 《值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台》和无障碍协调员
  • 音乐顾问工作人员

委员会将决定学生的持续状态,因为它涉及到 音乐学士学位课程. 成功申请重新入学的学生 into the program may regain their placement in the program and again be eligible for 可申请的音乐奖学金.

Appeals Process

如果学生觉得他们需要从任何学术机构申请例外 上述政策,他们可以通过以下方式提出上诉:

  • 与系主任会面,安排上诉聆讯;
  • 所有申诉将由一个由音乐系主任, the music faculty area coordinator, the fine arts dean, and a staff or faculty member 来自音乐系以外的;
  • 该小组的决定可向副主席办公室提出上诉 Academic Affairs. 本办公室的决定是最终决定.